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Samsung Galaxy Mega Saves A Man’s Life; Blocks Bullet…

Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3, a phone which had been reviewed as being “too large” for a phone at 6.3 inches (16 cms) has just saved a life in China.

As per reports coming in, a fight broke out between two men over a petty issue, which turned evil when one of the brought out a gun. As the other person involved in the fight took out a knife, the person with the gun triggered it.

The bullet first hit the side-arms of the other person, and kept on moving forward, finally hitting the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 which he carried in his shirt pocket. The bullet was shot just 2-3 meters away from the target, making the story even more incredible.

The smartphone was able to block the bullet, thereby saving his precious life. Doctors who attended the person later told that the person would have been killed if there was no Galaxy in this shirt’s pocket. Forensic experts have stated that it’s highly unlikely that a smartphone can actually stop a bullet, but this time, it actually happened.

Most probably, this is the first instance when a smartphone was able to save a person’s life, due to it’s sheer size and materials used.

Samsung Galaxy Mega series was launched last year and reviewers termed this smartphone as being too big for a phone. Some reviewers compared it with a tablet, stating that the phone can’t fit in his jeans pocket, can’t be held in hand as the size is huge. Realizing that the size of the model is too large, Samsung actually decreased it’s screen size in the later versions of the smartphone. Samsung still calls it “Android Smartphone/Tablet Computer” or Phablet.

But it seems that the same large size proved to be a life saver in yesterday’s case.

The story was first reported by a local Chinese blog. Here is the image of the smartphone which defeated a bullet:

It will be interesting to see if Samsung takes advantage of this and creates a campaign around it to show the sturdiness of the phone. They definitely need some positive PR now, especially given that their market share in smartphones in dropping.

In conclusion, one can say that, while larger phone may not be too comfortable for making calls etc., it sure has advantages that could probably save your life!

Mohul Ghosh: Mohul keenly observes the nuances of Indian startup world; and tries to demystify the secrets behind Technology, Marketing, Mobile and Internet. He is a Writer by passion, Marketer by choice and Entrepreneur by compulsion. Follow him on Twitter here: @_mohul