Categories: Trends

Top 10 Technology Trends For India In 2014: Gartner

Leading global research firm Gartner has come out with their top 10 technology trends and drivers that will be strategic for Indian organizations for 2014. These are the trends that, according to Gartner, will have significant impact on organization’s long-term plans, programs and initiatives.

Here are those top 10 technology trends and drivers that Indian companies should factor into their strategic planning processes starting today!


Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics

Today’s competitive business environment and economic conditions are forcing Indian enterprises towards fact-based decision making, as compared to earlier, when decisions were resource centric and based on experience. Business Intelligence and Analytics are going to play a important in transformation of Indian enterprises into new age organizations.

Mobility Solutions

This one is without doubt one of the most important technology trend that every organization needs to adapt and embrace. Many people are infact going to the extent of saying that with the way mobile is growing, death of web is imminent!. Humongous growth of mobile devices, a decline in their price, and falling data plan costs have the potential to completely transform business models. Mobile is no doubt the way forward for Indian organizations!

Cloud Computing

While Cloud computing has been growing fiercely world over, in India, it is still in it’s infancy. However, the adoption is now increasing at much faster pace with many companies starting to offer various SAAS based solution on the cloud. Indian organizations are increasingly investing in high quality data centers and innovative cloud infrastructures, as well as a portfolio of cloud-related offerings such as security, communications and managed services.

Social Media and Computing

Social Media is one area where we are seeing exponential growth in adoption by Indian enterprises. Many are using it for customer support as well as a marketing channel. This trend has got so big in India that it even having a significant influence on the ongoing general elections. With close to 200 million Indians online, Social Media is expected to play an important role in growth of Indian organizations.

Machine to Machine (M2M)

If you are not aware “Machine to Machine” simply refers to technologies that allow both wireless and wired devices to communicate with other devices of the same type. According to Gartner, Indian organizations are increasingly looking at implementing M2M solutions to improve agility and productivity.

Hosted Virtual Desktop (HVD)

Compared to it’s global peers, Indian organizations are adopting server-based computing in higher numbers. HVD or Hoster Virtual Desktop means that multiple users access their desktops (or nodes) virtually from the main shared server. HVD is also sometimes referred to as “hosted shared desktop” or “terminal services”.

Personal Cloud

With tablets and mobile numbers growing, Indians are increasingly creating their own personal digital ecosystem (or personal cloud) with their own sets of apps, games and media. Although right now private cloud is more popular in organizations, slowly cloud will become the primary storage for personal content as well

The Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things is slowly gaining ground with Indian organizations. Infact, if you will see most of the above trends, they are probably a subset of Internet of Things. The Internet of Things delivers tangible value to enterprises through the ability to better utilize remote assets and creates business cases in three key areas – operational technology (OT), digital supply chain and customer interaction.

Collaboration Technologies

Indian Enterprises are increasingly depending on new collaboration technologies for various purposes like real-time electronic meetings, content delivery, desktop and application sharing, text chat, group document markup with electronic white-boarding, security and remote control.

3D Printing

While 3D printing is at a nascent stage right now in India, the interest levels are picking up fast. This is evident from the fact that so many companies have come up in 3D printing space. They were non-existent just 1-2 years back. According to Gartner, 3D printing has the potential to radically transform design, manufacturing and the supply chain model in India.

So, there you have it… The Top 10 technology Trends for India in 2014.

Do you agree with them?

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