Categories: TGFwrap-up

Weekly Wrap-up: Celebrity Gadgets, £20 & $35 Tablet story, Smartphone Usage, Facebook Credits & more…

It is Monday morning and time to look at some of the buzzing stories of last week. Here is the the Wrap-up

Last few months have not been too good for Asian Economy and India in particular. Inflation has been putting a spanner in economic growth, interest rates were increased for 8yj consecutive time – Are Emerging Markets Losing Their Sheen?

Do you know what gadgets are used by celebrities – Who are gadget freaks and who are not? Here is a list of Mobile gadgets used by Indian celebrities !

If you are looking for an Adver-gaming strategy example, what better than to look at Pepsico !

Have you played or atleast heard about Angry Birds ? if not, you are in a minority. It has been launched on every single device, from computers to your mobile – But what about playing Angry Birds live on the streets – It is awesome!

India is inching its way up to a Billion Telecom Subscribers – As per the latest TRAI report, India now has 861.48 million Telecom subscribers (826.93 mln Wireless + 34.55 wireline subscribers)!

Indian Automobile Market has grown leaps and bound over past decade or so – It is slated to become the third largest light vehicle market in the world by 2020.

There were two interesting news last week about Indian ultra low cost tablet computers. First, it is rumoured that Wipro’s Azim Premji will be launching a £20 Tablet PC next year. While the much talked about Indian Government’s $35 tablet PC will soon see the light of the day – although the $35 price tag has not become more like $48 price tag!

Most Windows users are not worried about loosing their data, but are really worried that their Facebook & Email accounts getting hacked! These are the finding of the survey conducted by Microsoft India on Facebook.

You want to know where Cloud Computing stands in 2011 – Here is an informative Cloud computing infographic. However, some people think that Cloud Computing is no more than a Marketing jargon. Infact, it has been around since the birth of Internet!

According to a recent survey – Smartphone usage at Enterprise levels are increasing, however there is a key thing missing and that is security! There seems to be lower security awareness at Enterprise levels pertaining to Smartphones.

Facebook Developers should rejoice as Facebook Credits comes to India – It can now become a great channel for earning revenue via Facebook.

With surge in Smartphone Markets, the mobile advertising revenue is expected to touch 3.3 Billion globaly!

Buzzing posts at The Gadget Fan Blog

Arun Prabhudesai: Arun Prabhudesai is founder / chief editor at trak.in. He jumped the Entrepreneurship bandwagon in early 2008 after a long 13 year stint in I.T Industry. You can follow him on twitter @trakin and Facebook. Arun’s Google+ Profile