Mobile Number Portability: Guide to changing Telecom operators!

Mobile Number Portability is well and truly here after near unending delays over past couple of years. Telecom minister Kapil Sibal unveiled mobile number portability in Haryana on 25th November. Most of the country will have this facility by the New Year, while it will be available throughout the country by March 2011. But there are several things about MNP that are not known to the public. Let us take a look at what it is all about.

What is MNP all about?

MNP is the facility that lets a mobile phone subscriber retain his/her original mobile number even after moving from one service provider to another. To use MNP facility, the subscriber will have to pay a non-refundable fixed charge of Rs.19. Well Rs. 19 is nothing to get rid of single bar signals and call drops!! Moreover you don’t need to give out a new number to anyone, because it still remains the same!

After shifting to a new provider you need to stick with them for a minimum lock-in period of 90 days before shifting to another provider.

It sounds fair enough but can be a nightmare for you if your new operator is even worse than the previous one. So, one thing you must ensure – Before moving your service providers, check all facets and pricing of services offered.

6 Simple steps to change your existing Telecom Provider!

  1. Send an SMS to 1900 in following format: PORT – eg. PORT 9822123456.
  2. You will get an SMS reply that contains a unique porting code.
  3. SMS to the preferred operator quoting the unique code. This code is valid only for a few days, and one must apply again if it expires.
  4. Your existing operator will check with new operator & if there are no dues then approval will be given for porting.
  5. You will get an SMS on the time and date when porting will take place. Rules mandate that process be completed within 4 days of applying.
  6. After porting is complete, wait for an SMS from your new operator confirming the switch. Your phone may be dead for about 2 hours when the porting takes place.

Exciting offers galore:

  • Tata Docomo has launched a section on Mobile Number Portability. The offers include free talk-time and Free 3G services usage.
  • BSNL has offered free talk time of Rs. 100, and free unlimited GPRS for a month.
  • Idea also has many attractive offers as well. (Abhishek Bacchan is busy explaining that on TV)

Here is an interesting question to you – To every person I have spoken to , everybody is going to go for MNP. What about you…how many of you re going to switch providers ? Let us know..

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