70% people eat & drink while driving, While 35% get dressed/undressed !

How many of our Trak readers admit about one hand on steering, another holding mobile, and checking in rear view mirror, for that exquisitely performed make up (especially ladies) or that stylish hair style (specifically gents), while driving a car?

Is driving one of those daily chores for you? If yes, you still have to understand the importance of safe driving – both for you and the others. Though, it may be one of those regular acts performed by you on daily basis, remember that most accidents take place because of distractions in your concentration while you’re driving on a busy street.

How about eating an Apple while driving? Ehh!…

According to a report entailing survey from six countries (1800 responses), a whooping 70% of the respondents admitted that they indulge in eating or drinking regularly while on the driver’s seat, even as 35% of them admit to getting dressed or undressed.

From the people surveyed, around 23% of them say that they indulge in freshening up by styling or making those hairs seem straight. Ladies are no bar in this survey, just as 13% of them admit to applying make up material to look better (or should I say, feel better?).

Now, coming to the most indulged distraction while driving – the advent of mobile phones. The survey findings show that 28% of them confirmed that they were involved in text messaging while on the steering wheel. That’s not all! 12% of the drivers admit to have accessed emails while on the drive.

What’s the urgency, dude – to send that message? But, let me ask readers, is 28% a realistic number… I guess, the actual figure could be a lot higher. Don’t you agree?

My goodness! What is this? 63% of the respondents have yelled at other drivers while commuting, says the report. And, 10 % of them reported reading newspapers or magazines while driving. Is driving so boring, that you need reading to go along with it? Well, there are rare 5% respondents who have even played video games while on a drive.

Some Do’s and Don’ts while Driving

  1. Never drink and drive – most common one, but how many of us follow it?
  2. Avoid mobile phones while driving. Am I fooling around?
  3. Keep your eyes on the road. Shhh… that’s quite obvious yaar.
  4. Do not eat while driving. Am I kidding?
  5. Do not install TV screen on your dash board. Well, okay… fine!

Well, friends can you add some more to the above list?

Before concluding… Let me bowl you out…The above report says that 5% of the respondents have as well shaved while driving.

Howzzat? Stumped…. ;)

Viral Dholakia: Viral Dholakia is a Freelance writer for financial magazines & is passionate about blogging and Capital Markets. Stay in touch with him at bull4bears-at-yahoo.co.in or on Twitter at @viralsss
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