As the news of Covishield having side effects and potential rare side effect in the form of TTS ruffling the country, there is another study about its counterpart, Covaxin, which says no different.

Study Reveals Adverse Events Following Covaxin Vaccination
A study conducted by researchers at BHU to understand the long-term effects of Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin vaccine revealed that nearly one-third of the people who received Bharat Biotech’s anti-Covid vaccine Covaxin reported ‘adverse events of special interest,’ or AESI.
Out of the total 926 participants examined for the study, a third reported AESI, with viral upper respiratory tract infections being the most common complaint.
Serious AESI (Adverse effect of special interest) such as stroke and Guillain-Barre syndrome were reported in one percent of individuals.
As many as 635 adolescents and 291 adults who took Covaxin under the vaccination program were studied from the study conducted from January 2022 to August 2023.
In the adolescents, common AESI such as skin and subcutaneous disorders, general disorders, and nervous system disorders were noted.
Whereas in the adults, general disorders, musculoskeletal disorders and nervous system disorders were prevalent.
Risk Factors for Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Vaccination
As per the study, the odds of persistent AESIs for females, adolescents with pre-vaccination Covid-19, people with underlying health conditions and those who developed typhoid after vaccination had were 1.6, 2, 2.7, and 3.2 times respectively higher odds of persistent AESIs.
As per the study, the adults with pre-existing health conditions had more than double the odds of experiencing AESIs and persistent AESIs.
The study further noted that those who received 3 doses of vaccine and those who received only one dose of BBV152 had four and two times higher risk of AESIs respectively compared to those who received two doses of Covaxin.