Airtel Increases Data, Voice Tariff By Upto 25% From This Date; Rs 99 Is Minimum Recharge Now? (Find Out Why?)

In a shocking development, which most of the telecom experts were not expecting at this point of time, Airtel has hiked their tariff by upto 25% for both voice and data plans.
The minimum recharge that Airtel offered earlier was Rs 79, which is now Rs 99.
This translates to more financial burden for the users, and more revenues and profits for Airtel.
Here are the details..
Airtel Hikes Data, Voice Tariff
Airtel has announced that their voice and data plans tariff has been hiked by upto 20-25%.
Here are the new tariff plans, as announced by Airtel:
As we can see, the minimum recharge earlier was Rs 79, that is now Rs 99, albeit with 50% more voice and other features.
But an Airtel user will need to recharge their phones with a minimum of Rs 99 now.
For Rs 99, users will get full Rs 99 talktime, and 200MB data.
For data top-up plans, users will need to shell out Rs 118 for 12 GB data.
Reason Behind Airtel’s Tariff Hike
As per Airtel, this tariff hike has been imposed to ensure that their company is in a better financial health.
Airtel has informed that they wish to increase their ARPU or Average Revenue Per User, and for that, hike in tariff was the only solution.
As of now, Airtel earns approximately Rs 200 per user, which they wish to increase to Rs 300.
Airtel said, “Bharti Airtel has always maintained that the mobile Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) needs to be at Rs 200 and ultimately at Rs 300, so as to provide a reasonable return on capital that allows for a financially healthy business model,”
The new tariff will be implemented from November 26th.
We will keep you updated, as more details come in.
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