H1B Visa Banned For Entire 2020 – 4 Facts You Must Know About This Extraordinary Decision

H1B Visa Banned For Entire 2020 - 5 Facts You Must Know About This Extraordinary Decision
H1B Visa Banned For Entire 2020 – 5 Facts You Must Know About This Extraordinary Decision

On April 22, 2020, US President Donald Trump released a presidential proclamation, as per which any new immigrants were ordered to be temporarily barred for a period of at least 60 days.

Now, another presidential executive order has been passed by Trump, according to which starting June 24, until the end of the year, the US has suspended all the work visas, until the end of 2020.


#1 What is the new Executive Order About?

Donald Trump, amidst the already disturbed conditions in the US, has now signed an executive order on Monday, suspending all the employment visas until the end of 2020.

These visas also constitute of the very famous H-1B visa, which are used by multitudes of Indian citizens, each year.

#2 Which Visas Will Be Banned?

  • H-4 visa: employment visa for spouses of H-1B holders,
  • L visa: outsourcing employees of multinational companies to US offices,
  • J-1 visa: education and cultural exchanges, and
  • H-2B visa: for temporary workers in non-agricultural industries

This order, just like the last presidential proclamation, is not set to harm any work visa holder already in the US. It also provides for exemptions for health-care workers as well as those who work in the food supply chain.

#3 Why H1B Has Been Banned?

The executive order passed on Monday is officially titled as, “Proclamation Suspending Entry of Aliens Who Present a Risk to the US Labor Market Following the Coronavirus Outbreak”.

This is rolled out to control and completely stop the entry of immigrants into the country, especially now when the economic conditions of America have more than worsened.

The Trump government is trying its best to boost employment in the Covid-19 era, as millions in the country have been stripped off their jobs.

The administration believes that allowing temporary workers into the country, will adversely hurt the job opportunities for millions of American borns.

Restricting visas to immigrants could reshape the American economy and ensure more employment for US citizens, as per Trump.

Although, it can be argued on that President Trump is simply using the coronavirus aftermath as a shield to carry forward his anti-immigrant rhetoric.

#4 What Happens To Stranded H1B Workers In India?

There are around 1500 Indians having H1B visa who had came to India before the lockdown. Now they wont be able to return to the US, since American has suspended entry of all such workers.

In some cases, spouses are in

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