Nirma Under Fire For Akshay Kumar Ad, #BoycottNirma Trends; Is It About Gender Equality?

Nirma, one of the torchbearers of Made in India movement since 1969, having turnover of Rs 5500 crore and 15,000 employees, is under fire.
Since few days, #BoycottNirma was trending on Twitter, as the brand and actor Akshay Kumar faced hatred due to an advertisement.
Which people are angry and hurt over this ad? And what is the issue here?
#BoycottNirma Trending On Social Media
In the last 48 hours, hashtag #BoycottNirma suddenly became one of the trending topics on Twitter, as Nirma faced its worst backlash on social media ever.
This anger and hurt from viewers have been shared, because of a recent advertisement they rolled out, featuring Akshay Kumar.
Twitter users and folks from other social media posted anger-fuelled comments and reactions against Akshay Kumar, and Nirma as the brand.
What Is The Fuss All About?
In the ad, Akshay Kumar has been shown as a Maratha warrior, who has just returned from a war expedition and is about to celebrate via a party.
But the same moment, the queen intervenes due to the soiled clothes and asks Akshay Kumar to clean them first.
After that, Akshay and his team start cleaning the clothes, while having a celebration. They dance, and they sing, and at the same time, use Nirma to wash clothes as well.
What Has Irked The Social Media Users?
The fact that being a Maratha warrior, the character played by Akshay Kumar sings, dance and wash clothes has irked the viewers and social media users.
They are claiming that this is an insult to the legacy of Maratha warriors, and the ad should be taken down.
— kirtirajsingh (@kirtirajsingh11) January 8, 2020
? Nirma makes a mockery of Maratha soldiers, to sell washing powder !* ?
? Remove Nirma advertisement immediately
? Not at all tolerate insult of Great Maratha Warriors
— Prachiti (@prachiti13) January 8, 2020
We are demanding Nirma to withdraw the offensive advertisement in which the great Maratha soldiers shown wrongly, they have made use of our brave Maratha Soldiers to sell their product and tender an unconditional apology immediately !
Candian Tu Nrc Ke Baad Desh Se Nikala Jayega Tu Refugee Hai
— Devil Virpalsinh (@virpalsinhjetha) January 8, 2020
How Many People Want Akshay To Leave India And Go Back Canada #BoycottNirma
#BoycottNirma for
— HinduJagrutiOrg (@HinduJagrutiOrg) January 8, 2020
?Insulting valiant Maratha Warriors
?Disrespectful towards Freedom Fighters
?Making fun of Glorious Indian History
only for cheap marketing stunts?
— Datta Gaikwad (@Dattatr70830898) January 8, 2020
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti demands that,
1.Nirma Limited and Akshay Kumar should apologies publicly
2.Withdraw the advertisement from all media #BoycottNirma
What Is Nirma Saying?
Nirma, quite unexpectedly, has stood their ground, and have said that the advertisement removes gender inequality, and showcases the fact that a man is ready to wash clothes as well while having fun at it.
They have played down on the Maratha warrior factor and is focussing on the gender equality point.
There are a lot of angry tweets directed towards Akshay Kumar, which is ironical since he just became Bollywood’s most successful actor by delivering Rs 700 crore worth of hit in 2019.
It would be interesting to observe how Nirma as the brand takes this issue further.
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