Job Horror! 7000 Engineers, Post Graduates Apply For 549 Sanitary Worker Post In Tamil Nadu

In today’s day and age, everyone opts for the popular streams, one of which is engineering. There must be more than crores of fresh batches passing out from colleges every year in India from various colleges all over the country.
However, the condition of employment in India is no longer a secret: there’s a huge dearth of jobs in the country, which has led to a shocking discovery in Coimbatore.
There have been no less than 7000 job applications for the post of sanitary workers in the city Corporation, and all these are either engineers, or graduates, and diploma holders as well.
We most certainly aren’t degrading the job of a sanitary worker, but we think that such highly educated individuals applying for a job that does not require such high qualifications is nothing but a sheer waste.
Find out all the details right here!
7000 Engineers, Post Graduates, Diploma Holders Apply For 549 Sanitary Worker Posts
The Corporation of Coimbatore had released to the public about the openings for the job of sanitary workers. There were about 549 openings for grade-1 sanitary posts.
As per officials, about 7000 applicants responded to the opening, and appeared for the three-day interview and verification process of certificates.
In this process, the officials discovered that 70 per cent of the applicants were more educated than the basic qualification required for the job, which was SSLC. The officials revealed that most of them were engineers, post graduates, graduates, and diploma holders as well.
There have also been some contract-based workers who applied for the permanent job in the Corporation.
Graduates Employed At Private Firms Also Applied For More Pay
What is even more shocking, there were also some applicants who were already employed at private firms, but still applied to the government job because of the starting pay of the position of Rs. 15,700.
Amongst these applicants, there have been graduates who were employed at private firms with a minimum salary of Rs. 6,000 – Rs. 7000, but found it difficult to support their households even after working their hardest for 12 hours and more.
Whereas, the salary of sanitary job workers is about Rs. 20000, with working hours being only three hours in the morning and three in the evening.
The job of sanitary workers is certainly no lesser than any other jobs, but so much education, qualifications and talent going to waste is what truly worries us.
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