#HDFCBankDown Since 48 Hours; Netbanking, Mobile App Paralysed, Customers In Uproar

India’s 2nd largest private bank: HDFC Bank is giving some sleepless nights to its customers. Since the last 48 hours, their servers are down, and net banking and mobile banking services stand paralyzed.
Their customers are in an uproar on social media portals, as frustration is growing by the minute.
HDFC Bank Servers Crash On Monday Morning
HDFC Bank servers crashed on Monday morning, which was December 2nd.
Since it was a payday for almost every company operating in India, this technical snag hit hard.
Employers who were trying to transfer funds to their employees were not able to so, and it has led to widespread anger among the bank users.
Both Netbanking and mobile applications are crippled since Monday morning, and it has been more than 48 hours now.
Whenever a user attempted to login, he/she received this message:
Dear User,
The Netbanking system is busy processing heavy load from currently logged in customers, request you to try after some time.
Thank you for your co-operation.
A retry button is provided below it.
HDFC Bank Says Nothing To Worry
On their part, HDFC Bank has acknowledged the issue, and has assured everyone that they are working to resolve it. They asked the bank users not to panic.
In a statement, HDFC Bank said, “Due to a technical glitch, some of our customers have been having trouble logging into our net banking and Mobile Banking App. Our experts are working on it on top priority, and we’re confident we’ll be able to restore services shortly. While we deeply regret the inconvenience caused, there’s no cause for undue concern,”
HDFC Bank Users Protest On Social Media
On social media, both Twitter handles of HDFC Bank: HDFC_Bank and HDFCBank_Cares faced the ire of customers since their servers are just refusing to operate.
#HDFCBankDown was trending on Monday, even as thousands of tweets have been shared to protest this issue.
Update: Some users have reported that HDFC Bank Netbanking while being accessed from mobile browsers, is not operating.
But the mobile app and Netbanking via computer/laptop is not working.
In case you have any updated information, please share it with us right away!
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