Enjoy Cricket World Cup With Twitter’s Dedicated #CWC15 Timeline
ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 will be starting in next couple of days and cricket fans around the world are excited about it! More than One Billion people across the world are expected to watch this world cup which played in Australia and New Zealand spanning over one month.
Twitter is planning to encash on the immense popularity of this game and has launched a dedicated Cricket World Cup timeline. The timeline will give users a one stop for cricket Tweets, commentary and expert analysis, plus photos, videos and Vines from the sidelines at the world’s biggest cricketing event.
This will be immensely helpful for PC, laptop and smartphone users, who are unable to follow the live TV coverage of the world cup. The #CWC15 twitter timeline will especially be popular in India, given millions of Indians who are on Twitter, and during cricket world cup it will be by far one of the most trending topics worldwide.
The timeline can be found here and can be accessed through desktop as well as mobile browsers. For mobile users, they will need to follow hashtag #CWC15 to get all the updates.
The dedicated timeline has 3 tabs that can access recent tweets, recent commentary and recent photos & videos. The timeline will also have specific match only timeline that can be accesses by clicking on schedule of matches. It will display updated scores for each match in addition to the tweets from official accounts as well as popular tweets.
Twitter mobile app users can access specific match timelines by following hashtags for individual matches, for example for (e.g., #INDvPAK or#AUSvENG).
The World Cup Twitter timeline is available on their Android app, Twitter for iPhone as well as Twitter.com.
Go ahead check out the Cricket World Cup timeline and let us know what you feel!
Here is something unrelated which might appeal to cricket related gaming enthusiasts. Disney Indian has launched full version of the ICC World Cup Cricket game that you can enjoy on your PC as well as Android and iOS Smartphones.
You can download them from here.
- PC Game : https://www.procricket2015.com/
- Android India : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.indiagames.procricket_androidindia
- iOS : https://appsto.re/in/7sSB3.I