Majority Indians still prefer going abroad to work!


Indians are still attracted to West when it come to employment – Although, India is dubbed globally as land of opportunities, majority of Indians want to go abroad to work. That’s the finding by Work monitor report released by Ma Foi Randstad.

And if you think money is the criteria for the move abroad, you are wrong. The report states that while globally, less than a third of the respondents are willing to move abroad for a job without a pay hike, employees in India do not have a problem with relocation – Infact, majority of them are willing to do so!

Indians have highest Mobility Index ranking across the world of 144 followed by Brazil, China & Mexico. Also, younger Indian’s (18 – 34 years) are more willing than older ones (35 to 64 years)

moving abroad

Highlights of the Work Monitor Report:

    • 45% of the workforce believes in focus on promotion, while 34% believe in doing something
    • On average 8 out of 10 employees expect to receive a pay hike, bonuses and additional employment benefits in year 2012.
    • Although the general economic outlook was gloomy in 2011, close to 80% employee feel that their organization had a good year except for senior executives. 64% of Employees with salary of 10 Lakh p.a and higher felt their organization had a good year.
    • A very high proportion (81%) of men expect to work beyond their retirement age and a nearly equally high proportion of women (74%) expect to work beyond their retirement age.

It is a known fact that Indians want to move abroad, because of better infrastructure, better pays, better standard of living among other things. However, over last decade, Indian cities have also grown and pay scales have risen drastically. Yet the propensity to move abroad has not lessened. Although, we have been constantly hearing of reverse brain drain, interest of going abroad remains very high among Indians.

I have a question for readers – Do you think this trend will remain in coming years as well? or do you think, given the growth India is expected to have in coming years, more and more people will prefer to stay back and explore more opportunities in India itself?

  1. fim brown says

    i think moving abroad is a better option for the purpose of getting job weather than in India now is not like that that it was now day by day value of Indian currency i would also prefer to moving abroad for my rest of the life.

  2. Benjamin R Ross says

    Better appreciation of your talent, job satisfaction, better relationship between employee and employer, comfortable and clean living standard are the main reasons apart from better pays (for those who are starting from scratch with very low bank balance). I worked in many countries and back to India to enjoy my retired life!

  3. Ani says

    Yes this is true that a majority of Indians want to work abroad but not all of them want to stay there. A few actually want to move back but reasons such family pressures, peer pressure, social ridicule and lack of decent opportunities prevent such things.

    I’ve been abroad for 11 years and after about 5 years I tried moving back but was prevented from doing so by my new in laws, gentle pressure from my folks not to do so and friends and colleagues discouraging me as well.

  4. Balaji yadhav says

    It has got everything to do with Re/$ value i wonder how many would never want to come back to india. That would be a miniscule,most of them go to earn $ come back in the enhanced rupee value.Simple math.

  5. Facility Management in India says

    Going abroad is still a dream come true for Indians.One reason behind this may be the higher salary and better opportunity than India but for me going abroad will give you much is just an illusion. India always has its home advantage.

  6. jomith says

    i think, the trends to go abroad will continue to rise since it will attract more income especially when rupee value goes down.

  7. Kishan Vasekar says

    It is Fact that most of young Indians and probably their parents would like to move to US and abroad.As $ goes on becoming stronger wrt to Rs , middle class Indians can earn very high in Rs terms and I do not see any reason for thrm to stay back in India.At 58 and having worked in both Reliance Groups, I think talent is still bettter recognised in US.36 years of life time earnings by parents are done in 36 months in US. So if your parents are not Ambanis, Tatas or Businessman, why should any one like to stay in India if he gets slightest of chance to relocate in US even at same salary?

  8. Rajeev Ranjan says

    Nice Article. Knowledge enhancing.

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