Categories: Google

Gmail Now Allows Files of 50MB as Attachments; No Drive Required

From a time when email was just about texts to now where multimedia files can be shared over, digital mails have certainly evolved. Google drive comes handy when you want to share large files, but users might want large files in their emails as attachments.

The search giant has now eased up this problem a bit, by allowing users will be able to receive emails of up to 50 MB directly in their inboxes. As per the announcement by the company, Google Drive allows a comfortable way of sharing files of any size, as opposed to earlier when the users had to link heavy attachments to Drive.

Restructuring of the mail allows the user to receive emails up to 50MB directly in their inboxes, without the need to putting files on to Google Drive.

More sharing

As per Statista.com, Gmail had over 1 Billion active users till February 2016. The figures are sure to have increased now. And with its latest move, Gmail will attract more users as email has by far been the most preferred medium of sharing files by users.

Refurbishing the email platform

With growing advancements on various platforms, companies are trying their best to make user interface as simple and user-friendly as possible. Users too, prefer to deal with applications that they can work with swiftly rather than those that require heavy work on the sidelines.

In the past year, Gmail has brought various changes on its platform– from revamping its looks for iOS to tweaking its chat function. The new iOS interface makes it look like the native Android version of the app, along with enhanced colour schemes.

In fact, Gmail came up with a new ‘Undo’ function by which users can recall their sent emails within 30 seconds maximum, if they have enabled the undo feature. This was lauded by a large number of users worldwide. I mean, who would want a mail sent to your boss by mistake with some absurd mistake? Thank you, Google!

With so much revamp happening such as blocking of all JavaScript email attachments to now the attachment size increasing, Gmail is doing all the necessary things to make sure users are satisfied. No more JavaScript email attachments means no more malicious Microsoft files, and the increase in file size will also help in making Gmail the preferred platform for big file sharing.

As per Google, this update is being rolled-out in the next 1-3 days across all editions of G-Suite.

Kanishk Karan:
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