Are Online retailers really going Mobile? [Infographic]


Most online retailers already have or currently are in process of creating mobile apps for their storefronts given the explosive growth of Smartphones across the world. It is estimated that very soon, India will have more people access internet on mobile as compared to their PCs.  Even globally, most of the major online retailers have mobile apps where users can buy merchandize.

However, according to a study done by Software major Cognizant, Mobile apps created by these online retailers fall woefully short of Consumer expectations. Cognizant released an infographic – The state of Retail Mobility – based on analysis done on top 100 global retailers and their mobile presence (Mobile Web & Android / Iphone Apps).

It is clear from the infographic that although most of the retailers widely adopted to mobility phenomenon, they still fall short of mobile consumer expectations.

The State of Retail Mobility

[Click to Zoom]



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