7 Must-Have Google Chrome Apps For Information Junkies & Content Writers


Google Chrome is slowly becoming the go-to-browser for millions of web users across the World. I am no exception, I use Chrome for all my browsing needs. And frankly, there is a lot of information consumption that I do. I also create content (write) frequently. So, most of the apps may seem to conform to either of those two.

The apps and extension listed here will appeal to content writers and information junkies, but are definitely useful to for almost anyone.



Write Space – Distraction free writing space

If you are anything like me, someone who gets easily distracted, this is the writing space for you. Want to worry about writing only and take care of the fonts and alignments etc. for later?

Write Space, a customizable full-screen text editor, once installed, you can simply open as a new tab in your browser. Do your writing. Forget worrying about saving your document because Write Space has a persistent auto-save feature that saves your stuff with every key stroke.

You can use it offline. Your content is stored locally. And, you’ll get live document statistics viz. the number of words, lines, and characters. This is certainly my favorite app and a must-have for all who write.

Install Write Space

Feedly- Your News, RSS, Google Read

Google Reader is going to be dead in two months time. Feedly is happy to have lapped up the millions of users in the aftermath of the announcement.

So, you better start migrating to Feedly with its super-seamless transition. I don’t need to say any more about it, for almost everyone has already declared it as the successor to Google Reader.

Install Feedly

tab packager by tab.bz – Save all your open tabs for later

So, you have 18 tabs open in your browser and now, it has slowed down, considerably. But, you don’t want to close any of them because you are an information junkie and you fear, you might miss out on something. Tab packager by tab.bz comes to your rescue.

Just click on the extension and it’ll create a super short link for all your open tabs. Now, you can mail the link to yourself, or to someone else. You can tweet it, share it on facebook and almost every other social media site. In a hurry; just grab your tabs for later.

Install Tab.bz

MyPermissions Cleaner – Secure your Personal Information on the web

The first time I used this extension I was surprised beyond limits by the kind of access to my personal information on social media sites, the various applications had. MyPermissions Cleaner lets you scan all your app permissions.

After the first scan, it’ll automatically alert you with a notification when a new app gains permission. With a single click, you can remove those permissions or give them your ‘trust’.

Install MyPermissions Cleaner

*Split Screen* – Splits your browser right into two

This is for those scenarios where you’d like to take down notes while simultaneously watching a video or reading an article.

*Split Screen* extension will open a new tab with two windows side-by-side and prompt you for two different URLs, just in case there is a situation you’d like to view two things at a time. And, it is equipped with a notepad, for those cases where you’d like to note down in the other window.

Install *Split Screen* extension

LastPass – Free password Manager and form filler

The LastPass extension makes your web browsing experience more secure. It helps capture all your passwords and then encrypts it locally, which ensures that even the extension itself does not have the capability to access it.

It also lets you create very strong passwords, easily. This extension is quite popular and is available across almost all platforms.

Install LastPass

Screen Capture (by Google)- Capture by Screen the way you want it

Screen Capture lets you take screenshots of your open tab. It also supports editing of the capture image, which is saved as a PNG image.

You can highlight text, redact stuff and add text. It is super fast, supports horizontal scroll and is intelligent enough not to recapture floating objects.

Please do comment with the links to these apps and extensions, if available, across other platforms as well. What other apps do you use and have found to be very useful?

Install Screen Capture

  1. Nagaraj says

    Useful Article, I just installed Write Space and I am already liking it!

    I want to share an app which I find useful when I have lot of tabs open.. it is OneTab

    It is just like the app you mentioned, but additionally it consolidates all your links into just one tab(hence the name), so that you can restore one or more tabs whenever you want them. And the fun/great part is you can ‘OneTab’ again once more tabs accumulate, and now you get a new One tab containing all the links separated by date and time(of OneTabbing!). All the links are saved locally until you delete them. It has been quite useful for me. Do check it out!

    Thanks for the sharing the post again!

  2. Omkar Mishra says

    A must have Firefox add ons article would also be nice.. :)

    1. Arun Prabhudesai says

      @omkar – you should move to Chrome ;) rather than asking for firefox extensions :) Do you like FF better than Chrome?

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